
10 Greatest Kitchen Gadgets to Make Your Life Easier

10 Greatest Kitchen Gadgets to Make Your Life Easier July 23, 20181 Comment

Hi, I’m Kari, creator of Keep it Simple, DIY. I’m a lifestyle blogger with an MBA who blogs about finance, Home & DIY, blogging, and more. My main motto is that if you just try, you will succeed. The key is to Keep it Simple.

Kitchen Gadgets Featured

Kitchen Gadgets

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1. The KitchenAid Mixer

The KitchenAid Mixer is one of those items that I always said I could live without. But then, I gave in and bought one and it changed the way I cook!  In the past, I would struggle to stir ingredients, making a meringue was nearly impossible, and the tools I was using would often break.  Once I got my KitchenAid Mixer, everything was extremely easier. And, there wasn’t even additional cleanup!


2. RevAShelf Sink Trays

I had sink trays in my old home and when we moved into my new home, we went about a year without them.  I surely missed them and this was an item that was installed and I’m loving!


3. Corelle Dinnerware

Corelle is my favorite!  They are very lightweight and don’t chip or  break when you drop them. I’m also very obsessed with their square look.  I have square with black design lines on them but I see they now have grey and yellow which would perfectly match my kitchen!


4. Keurig Coffee Maker

This one almost goes without saying.  It’s such a great treat to be able to make one cup of coffee at a time and with minimal mess.

5. Hamilton Beach Deep Fryer

This is one of my favorite purchases I’ve made so far!  It’s so easy to chop up a potato and throw it in for quick french fries.  I also love making homemade donuts, mochi donuts, and couldn’t be happier with this gadget.

6. Crock Pot

I am a huge fan of the crock pot! I actually own four of them!  I love to use these when I make a ton of food to freeze.  I can easily have all four of these brewing, something in the oven, and a few recipes going on the stove at the same time.  It’s great that I can just throw all of the ingredients into the pot and just let it cook!

7. Waffle Iron

Here’s another item I own more than one of.  I love waffle irons.  Waffles keep great in the freezer and then you can just pop them in a toaster to crunch them back up. 🙂

8. Pastry Mat

I’m always making some type of pastry.  Between bread, noodles, gnocci, donuts, pizza, etc, my pastry mat gets used a lot.  The one in the photo is silicone which makes me jealous because mine is just made out of plastic.  Maybe someday soon I will upgrade!

9. Single Serve Blender

I go in spurts with this one. Sometimes I make smoothies every day for weeks at a time.  Other times, I go months without making a smoothie. Either way, I always have at least one blender on hand.

10. Empanada Press

I use these all the time.  Just take your favorite dough recipe and put any filling in them.  Literally any.  Something sweet?  Add apple pie filling.  Breakfast?  Ham, eggs, and cheese.  Dinner?  BBQ ground beef with cheese.  Amazing.  I usually make a ton of these at t a time then freeze them.  They heat up nicely in the microwave.

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Hi, I’m Kari, creator of Keep it Simple, DIY. I’m a lifestyle blogger with an MBA who blogs about finance, Home & DIY, blogging, and more. My main motto is that if you just try, you will succeed. The key is to Keep it Simple.

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