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DIY Cinder Block Garden for Small Yards

DIY Cinder Block Garden for Small Yards March 21, 201714 Comments

Hi, I’m Kari, creator of Keep it Simple, DIY. I’m a lifestyle blogger with an MBA who blogs about finance, Home & DIY, blogging, and more. My main motto is that if you just try, you will succeed. The key is to Keep it Simple.

DIY Cinder Block Garden for Small Yards

Isn’t it always that you get your house just how you want it and then you move?  I literally just redid my backyard last summer.  This was supposed to be my first full gardening season with the garden.  Of course though, we will be moving in the middle of the season.

I started making my garden by removing the grass in the area of the rock garden and cinder block garden.

In only the rock section, I laid out some weed block.  In the cinder block garden, I wanted the roots to be able to go low into the ground.

I had just completed landscaping my front yard when I started this project so I used all of the rocks I took out of the front yard for this project.

To finish off the rock garden, I added a nice bench with some stepping stones and a few raspberry plants.  I decided to dig some pots into the ground for the raspberry plants.

And now for why you are here:  The Cinder Block Garden!

I measured and planned exactly how I wanted the garden to look prior to buying the blocks.  I actually used legos to see exactly how many blocks I would need.  The graph paper just wasn’t doing it for me 😉

I decided to add a few stepping stones to make sections so I could reach all across.  There are just two square stones in each section.  They just have a design that makes them look like four.

The last touch I added was some white little rocks along the outside border of the garden just to make it look extra cute.

I’d call my first year of gardening a success!  I got a fair amount of strawberries and raspberries and a ton of basil, tomatoes, and zucchini.  I didn’t have any luck with green beans or broccoli but I will try again!

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Hi, I’m Kari, creator of Keep it Simple, DIY. I’m a lifestyle blogger with an MBA who blogs about finance, Home & DIY, blogging, and more. My main motto is that if you just try, you will succeed. The key is to Keep it Simple.


  1. I have the perfect small area that would look great with this small cinder block garden. Now to make my plan.

  2. LOVE THIS! We built one similar in our back yard, but we put caps on the edges to make it look a little more “clean” and it’s nice with the caps because they make for extra seating around the planter 🙂

  3. This is a great idea for a small garden. I especially like how you added the rows so there is room to walk. 🙂

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