This Month’s Top Post: How to Complete Your To-Do List in 5 Steps – 2588 Views – 9 Comments
This Month’s Runner Up: BBQ Uglies Recipe Review– 1547 Views – 17 Comments
This was a very different month for me. The first week and a half or so I worked very hard on freelancing projects. As soon as I finished the project I was working on, my BBQ Uglies post got more views than any post I’ve posted. I did a few sponsored tweets here and there but for the most part, took it easy this month.
I’m not sure how, but once the ride from my BBQ Uglies post ended, my To-Do list post got a lot of attention as well and completely crushed the stats I had just gotten for the BBQ Uglies recipe. Because of these two posts getting a lot of attention, I was able to surpass my goal of getting 5000 views in a one-month period during 2016.
March 2016 Income Statement:
Google Adsense – $69.20
Sponsored Posts – $5.00
Freelancing – $310.00
Etsy Shop – $2.65
Total: $406.85
Blogging Supplies: $31.57
Etsy Ads: $0.30
Total: $31.87
NET INCOME: $372.98
View Previous Blog Income Statements here.
This month, I increased my total social following by 13% and got a lot of projects in the works to help me complete some of my 2016 Blogging Goals.
My focus for this month was to complete my blog posts for the next month and plan some posts for future months. I am happy to say that I was able to succeed with this and have all of my posts for April ready to go and have a few great ideas and photos for future posts.
Focus for Next Month
Next month, I plan to focus on editing my blog pages and old posts. Somehow when I switched to self-hosted WordPress, my photos became blurry and need to be adjusted. I also know more about Pinterest now and want to create better images for some of my older posts.
Congratulations and you keep me inspired someday I will be where you are.
You will Candy!
SO cool to see your breakdown1 Great blog by the way.
Thank you!
Congrats on the wins this month. Seems like things are going in a good direction for you!
You share interesting facts and I am sure it holds you accountable too! You are an inspiration!
Congrats! Thank you for sharing your goals and successes. It is inspiring for the rest of us. 🙂
It’s great to see a blog income report that feels more reachable for a newbie blogger like me. That’s so exciting!!
Thanks so much for sharing! I love seeing how other bloggers are doing. Keep up the good work. 🙂
This is good. This is an inspirstikncto a lot of new bloggers like me. Thanks
Congrats! Sounds like you’ve been doing great. Those pageviews on those two posts are awesome! Thanks for sharing your wins.
Congratulations on a fantastic month! Looks like you had a really good month!! Keep up the good work and I know you’ll have another fantastic month!
I love this! I haven’t gotten the guts to post my blog income as I’d love to build it up more! Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations! I am so glad you surpassed your goal of getting 5000 views in a one-month! Wow!You did a really great job! Keep it up!
Thank you for sharing this. I love reading blog reports. Way to go!! I can’t wait to see those stats. 🙂
I love these insights and how transparent you are… so refreshing! Inspires me to set goals for my blog and keep track as well!
google adsense banned me even though i did nothing wrong. i’m glad that you’re able to make money from them
How odd. I’m honestly quite confused by how it works. I just have the ads up and hope they work. 🙂 I’ve heard is a good alternative to Google Ads as well.
That’s amazing! I hope to reach this someday! Keep up whatever you are doing 🙂
I really need to work on tracking this stuff! That’s awesome you are making so much money off your blog. Congrats!
Good for you! You seem quite organized and that is great! Awesome how supplementary income from blogging actually exists!
Good month! I can’ t wait to read those two posts. Do you have any tips or posts on freelancing? I want to start doing that but have no idea where to start.
Thanks! I’d say write about what you love. If you are passionate about it, it will show in your writing. As for freelancing, just put your feelers out as many places as you can and something will stick. 🙂
That’s actually really good. I don’t make money with my blog but I hope to start soon 🙂 good luck for next month !
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I added your income reports to my new Income Report aggregator at
You don’t need to do anything, just keep producing awesome income reports 🙂
Awesome! Realy inspiring post. I am always motivate after reading your blogs. Thanks for the insights.