
Stuffed French Bread Recipe You’ll love

Stuffed French Bread Recipe You’ll love September 8, 20177 Comments

Hi, I’m Kari, creator of Keep it Simple, DIY. I’m a lifestyle blogger with an MBA who blogs about finance, Home & DIY, blogging, and more. My main motto is that if you just try, you will succeed. The key is to Keep it Simple.

Stuffed French Bread

Stuffed French Bread

This recipe quickly became one of my all-time favorites!  I first tried this when I was on my bread making kick.  It is definitely a recipe we will make again and again. This recipe is such a great warm and cozy meal for a winter day.

The bread turned out perfectly crunchy every time we’ve made this meal and even Nick loves it!  I’ve included the recipe for you and my custom recipe card. Feel free to right click and save the recipe card or print the recipe below.

Delicious Homemade stuffed french bread dinner with recipe card. Share on X

Stuffed French Bread Recipe

Stuffed French Bread

Stuffed French Bread

Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Servings 1 loaf


  • 1 loaf french bread
  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 2 tbsp chopped onion
  • 1 tsp chopped garlic
  • 1 can cream of mushroom condensedsoup
  • 2 tsp worcestershire
  • 1 dash salt
  • 1 dash pepper
  • 1 pinch dried parsley
  • 1.5 cups cheddar cheese


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
  • Brown the ground beef and add all except the cheese. Cook until onions are soft.
  • Scoop out the center of the bread and cut into small pieces. Add the pieces to a bowl.
  • Fold the bread pieces into the meat mixture then scoop into the hollowed bread loaf.
  • Add cheese on top of the bread mixture then cover with the top piece of bread.
  • Bake for 15 minutes or until the cheese is melted.
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Hi, I’m Kari, creator of Keep it Simple, DIY. I’m a lifestyle blogger with an MBA who blogs about finance, Home & DIY, blogging, and more. My main motto is that if you just try, you will succeed. The key is to Keep it Simple.


  1. Okay, this looks amazing! I come from a family that pretty much eats French bread with every meal. This is a good way to turn a side into an entire meal. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yum! I had a loaf of bread stuffed with chicken dip last weekend and it was so good because of how crusty it got. I love the ground beef variation.

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