Accounting Blog Income Report


DECEMBER 2016 BLOG INCOME January 7, 201711 Comments

Hi, I’m Kari, creator of Keep it Simple, DIY. I’m a lifestyle blogger with an MBA who blogs about finance, Home & DIY, blogging, and more. My main motto is that if you just try, you will succeed. The key is to Keep it Simple.

This Month’s Top Post: House Update #2 – 268 Views

This Month’s Runner Up: Paycheck Series: Choosing Your Budgeting Direction – 266 Views

It’s interesting to watch the sinuous waves of blogging stats.  Last month I had huge growth in followers but not much income.  This month, my income was almost triple last month but my follower growth was less than a third.  Progress is progress though.  I know that I can’t focus on too many pieces of the puzzle at once or things will fall apart.  Here’s how the stats looked for December.


Ads – $131.69
Affiliate – $8.50
Sponsored Posts – $61.60
Total: $201.79

Tailwind – $10..00
Domain – $1.26
Total: $11.26

NET INCOME: $190.53


Last month I mentioned that my goal for December was to maintain.  I have done just that.  I focused more on the content, scheduling, and routine rather than trying to grow.  I’d say this definitely paid off.  I noticed that the more solid I have everything, the more people want to view the site.  I had my largest amount of page views in a month (not including one month where two posts stumbled like crazy).  I’m hoping I can continue this trend.

My plan for this month is to get ahead.  I have a lot going on this year.  This year marks my 10 year high school reunion.  Less than a month after that is closing on the new house and the wedding.  All of that on top of my every day life is a lot plus I have to get my house in tip-top shape to sell it.  I’m hoping the timing works out well so we don’t have to move twice but we will see.

I’ve already started preparing the blog.  I have an outline of posts I’d like to write through March and with any luck, I’ll have all of February and March’s posts done by the end of January.  Of course, I’ll have house updates to add in throughout the month but hopefully this will help me stay afloat.

Happy New Year!

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Hi, I’m Kari, creator of Keep it Simple, DIY. I’m a lifestyle blogger with an MBA who blogs about finance, Home & DIY, blogging, and more. My main motto is that if you just try, you will succeed. The key is to Keep it Simple.


  1. I always love reading other people’s income. I am just starting my blog back up after some rebranding and planning months.. and it’s inspiring to see! Best of luck with continued growth.

  2. I love your positive definition of progress and success. One month it can be a few more followers .. the next maybe a couple more dollars earned. Thank-you .. good words to hear 🙂

  3. I love that you had such a great month when you focused on maintaining. I’m working on getting into a routine and focusing on content and scheduling, so that’s great to hear.

  4. I have just started affiliates and looking into earning income from my blog and sites. I was able to find a solid planner that included yearly, monthly and weekly goals plus scheduling. I am hoping to start earning soon and wish you the best in your ventures too 🙂 Every follower, like and share I am happy about too.

  5. Congrats on increasing your blog’s revenue. I also think it’s great you have outlines for your blogs through March. I’ve been trying to plan ahead on my blog, too.

  6. Income reports are one of my favorite things to look at on blogs. They are great tools. It’s awesome that you’ve increased revenue! You are also really on the ball if you’re planning a couple months out. Congrats again on your new home. Love those updates. 🙂

  7. I just relaunched my blog as well and am working on earning more from it this year. Thanks for sharing your info.

  8. That’s so awesome! I started blogging 5 months ago and haven’t seen any income 🙁 It’s a bit discouraging but after reading this post, I’m motivated! xx

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