1. SMART THINGS is discrete – I love the good ol’ home feeling when it comes to my house but as we are in this century of cool new toys, I get so excited about every little time saving opportunity. The Smart Things hub allows me to bring all of the new excitement to my home while only taking up a small amount of space in one of my many cubes.
2. SMART THINGS is easy – The Smart Things app walks you through the process of installing devices and allows you name and organize your devices. Day to day utilization of the app is very straight forward and you can do almost anything you can think of.
3. SMART THINGS is secure – With Smart Things, I can set notifications for if doors and windows were unlocked or if there was motion in any part of my house. On the off chance that a door was left open all day, I can check the app to see if the door has been opened while I was away before going into the house. Not only does this give me peace of mind, it saves time of finding that baseball bat and opening every closet in the house.
4. SMART THINGS is versatile – The creators of Smart Things built their hub and application with the plan of expansion. They know that there will be many future opportunities for this program that currently do not exist and they’ve left the platform available to use new features as they are created. Not only that, Smart Things also allows users to create codes for non-standard smart equipment. A quick Google search will bring up just how to use the new device you want to use.
5. SMART THINGS is fun – Even though being secure is most important, I find that I most enjoy the home automation aspects of Smart Things. On a standard day, I get up and stumble downstairs in the dark, trying to not trip over anything because turning on a light would mean that I have to walk back and forth in order to get all the lights off by the time I leave the house. I now have Smart Things to enhance my morning laziness. I have a motion sensor in my room that is activated when I wake up and turns on the light in my bedroom and the hall. Then, when I get to the family room, another motion sensor activates and opens my garage door. Once I close the garage door, the lights in my house turn off. How fun is that?!
Sounds like it’s the perfect little gadget!!!! 🙂
Yes! I can’t stop talking about it! Well that and the new Windows 10 Cortana being able to say goodnight to my Smart Things.
What does it do exactly? Just everything? Haha
Yes pretty much! It acts as a full self-served alarm service and can use all of the security items (door sensors, locks, garage door opener, motion sensor, camera, smoke detector, etc) and it uses smart-home items (light bulb, appliance modules, thermostats, water meters, Rumba vacuums, etc). Pretty much anything you can think of that’s an electronic can be powered with smart things. You can even add a motor to blinds to open and close them at sunrise/sunset.
This sounds awesome! I’ve never heard of it before but checking it out now!
It’s a great product!
That sounds very useful I may have to look into it soon
It is absolutely worth it! I love how much easier it makes everything!
We love using Smart Things! And love that I can monitor it all myself from my phone!