This month went quite differently than last. Last month, the blog was the only thing I ever wanted to think about. I was constantly commenting on Facebook groups, reading other blogs, and doing everything I could to ‘force’ traffic to my page. This month, I focused a lot more on using multiple social media outlets rather than posting on multiple Facebook posts.
I opened a Bloglovin’ account and claimed my blog, created a Facebook page, and reclaimed my old Twitter account. For the first two weeks of the month, I posted in every Facebook thread I could find so I could drive traffic to all of my new social media sources. Once I began driving traffic, I reopened my old Hootsuite account and scheduled some automatic posts.
This automation came just in time because I lost interest for a week or so because I was spending time with people, actual people, in person, not on the other side of a computer somewhere. This was much needed and I’m happy that I had my blog posts created a few weeks ahead of time so I could take a few weeks off without anybody noticing. Didn’t notice, did you?
As of now, I’m back to creating blog posts shortly before they come out, but I’m set on getting back up to being a few weeks ahead again that way I can take a break when I need to.
My goals for September are pretty short because I want to solidify my blogging routine and automation. This month is all about maintaining. I feel like my blog has grown very quickly for only being two months old and I don’t want to push it so fast that it pops. Right now I’m getting about 20-30 views per day without having to push a lot. Of course, those numbers are pretty low in the general scheme of blogging, but to me, an individual, sitting alone in my house, 20-30 views means that 20-30 people are looking at my blog each day. That’s like a whole class worth of people who come from who knows where (well my stats say from all over the world).
I did do one sponsored post last month through Izea which worked out very well. I’m keeping my eyes opened for sponsored posts but I have to be 100% on board with the concept in order to think about putting it on my blog. I plan to keep sponsored posts pretty low for the blog’s first six months while I’m working on stabilizing the blog.
Anyways, here’s all the fun stuff!
August Stats
Blogger/Pinterest: 1229 Page Views, 100 Comments
#1 Post: How to Paint a Diamond Accent Wall, 102 Views, 16 comments, Google +2, 10 Pins
#2 Post: How to Refinish Kitchen Cabinets on a Budget, 88 Views, 22 comments, Google +3, 8 Pins
#3 Post: Master Bathroom Upgrade – On a Budget!, 74 Views, 7 comments, Google +4, 3 Pins
Facebook: 57 Likes
Bloglovin: 15 Followers
Twitter: 388 Followers
Sponsors: IZEA – 1 Sponsored Post, $9.00
August Tasks
-Create sharing schedule to feature current and past posts
-Sign up for Bloglovin’ and claim my blog
-Create a Facebook Page
-Pin all relevant past and current posts to Pinterest
-Begin to grow social media sites.
September Goals
-Create Twitter schedule for top blog posts
-Update ‘Follow Me’ section
-Create posts 1-2 weeks in advance
Great job. Just remember you can't compare your beginning to someone else's middle! Keep plugging along!
Cynthia @craftoflaughter
This may be my 2nd comment to post – but I'm a bit bleary eyed and clicked “sign out” – not my first time unfortunately. Just want to make sure to relay my encouragement and appreciation. Glad to connect with someone who's journey sounds so similar to mine.