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How to get started with your own food blog!

If you have a passion for food and would like to share this passion with the rest of the world there is nothing better than starting your own food blog. You can share notes and compare recipes with like minded people, discover interesting new developments in the culinary world and if you put in enough work even make a decent living off it. So how do you start? Just follow the given steps: Get the basics in place – Hosting and naming your blog You don’t have to set up an entire website on your own. One option is setting ...

7 Ways Supermarkets Trick You into Spending More Than You Should (and Ways to Beat Them)

Why is it so difficult to stay on budget during a trip to the supermarket? Why do you always seem to spend more than you planned? The biggest reason: RESEARCH. Over many years, supermarket companies have spent millions of research dollars studying consumer behavior. They use all of this research to become a well-oiled machine on a mission to get as much money as possible out of your wallet. These are some of the tricks they use to accomplish that mission: 1. Most Profitable Products: Eye-Level and Ends of Aisles The most profitable items are almost always found on the ...
best wordpress security plugins

5 Best WordPress Security Plugins to Protect Your Website

WordPress is the most popular Content Management System in the world. According to WordPress, it now powers 27% of all sites on the web. That's a whooping 75 million websites. As a result, WordPress is very prone to attacks from hackers. In the first quarter of 2016, malicious malware infected 8,900 WordPress websites. While this numbers increase as compared to last year, site security is one of the things that’s often overlooked by most bloggers. Some bloggers are relying too much on their hosting services, probably thinking that the hosting provider takes care of it. Sadly, it’s not the case ...
Lemon Shrimp Ingredients

Lemon Shrimp and Noodles Recipe For You to Enjoy on Date Night

This is such a great easy recipe for every day cooking or for date night! Check out these pictures!  This is the first cooking post from the new house and it looks like I've seriously upped my camera game.  Really, I just got an updated kitchen! As always, I'm not one for precise recipes so here's what I've got. Ingredients Mini fully cooked shrimp Uncooked Noodles Fresh Green Beans Fresh Parsley Butter Lemon Pepper Quick Steps Boil some water and cook the pasta. Melt the butter and cook the green beans until soft. Add the shrimp and cook until warm ...
Indoor Plants

Maintain a Fresh and Healthy Home Environment with These Indoor Plants

We all want a healthy and peaceful environment with our loved ones in the home. This can be only achieved if our internal air quality is appropriate. However, due to the presence of various toxins and degraded surrounding environment, we are usually deprived of pure and quality internal air. If you want to make considerable changes in your internal air quality, here is the list of various indoor air purifying plants that need to be placed in your home. Spider Plant It is one of the easiest indoor plants that don’t require much care and frequent attention. Spider Plant is ...


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