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Social Sharing Tips

Hello again and Happy New Year!  Like you, my last post was all about my New Year's Resolutions and how I want to grow my blog in 2016.  With this, I took to the blogging networks and asked other bloggers a few questions about Social Sharing. I asked each blogger how many monthly views they have, their top three referring sites, and any tips they would like to share about social sharing. I am very pleased to say that I gathered quite a bit of information from fellow bloggers and would like to share it with you all here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This ...

2015 Review and 2016 Goals

Happy 2016 Everyone!  I just rounded out my first year, well half year, of blogging and decided to share my stats and goals. In June of 2015 I decided to create a blog for all of my hobbies.  I had previously owned my own business and managed a website and blog for years, but I wanted this to be different.  A blog just for me, just for fun. I started really strong posting three times per week and I felt I was doing great.  I even got my first sponsored post not long after starting the blog.  Then, I lost ...

10 Windows Phone Features I Can’t Live Without!

When I first heard about Windows Phones, I was so excited to see what they were all about. So, as soon as my first upgrade came, I switched from Android to Windows. Almost instantly, I fell in love with the platform and couldn't wait for all of the new features to come. The most anticipated upgrade for me was the upgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1. I could not wait for Cortana and even downloaded the preview version for developers so I could put it to use before hitting the market. Well, recently, I was up for upgrade again ...

Now What, Bananas?

Do you often find your bananas looking like this before you can get to eating them?  I definitely do.  The old trick is just to throw the bananas in the freezer to use for baking at a later date.  I've added a small but helpful spin to this old trick by slicing the bananas prior to putting them in the freezer.  More specifically, I use one sandwich bag per banana to help manage quantities for recipes and avoid having multiple a big frozen banana ball.  Not only does this make storing the bananas more compact, it also alleviates the need ...

Mid December Update

Hello again!  It's been a few month's since I've really been involved with my blog.  At the beginning of September, I did a lot of behind the scenes.  My main focus was switching from Blogger to WordPress.com so my site would look more aesthetically pleasing.  Now, the site is fully transferred, except for losing all of the stats...Boo :(, so I figured I would give you all an update. It's been an interesting mind game to see views in the single digits for a day since I was used to being in the double digits each day, but my stats ...


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