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Reconciling your Savings
Last week, we discussed how to reconcile your checking account based on your projections. This week, we will begin reconciling the savings account as well. In our projections example, the first month we transfer to the savings account is April. To reconcile this transaction, begin by reconciling the checking account the same as previous months. When you get to the 'Transfer' line, C37 in our example, we will use an equation to get the total amount to transfer. You could also grab the transfer amount from the Projections page but I prefer to use the equation because it acts as ...
Smoothie Central
I started this summer off by making a smoothie of some form every day after work. While we are getting closer to fall, it’s time to get in our last few summer smoothies of the year. Before getting into the ingredients, I use a Bella Sport single serve blender. You can see the blender bottle in the red smoothie picture. The blender was $15 and I am now on my third blender because the gasket keeps breaking. I’m wondering if it would make sense to get a better blender or to just keep replacing the gaskets. Any ideas? I ...
The First Steps of Writing a Book
The first proof of AJSA - The Big Explosion 2011 Buy the digi book here or buy a hard copy here. Remember back to the days of first grade when we were all learning how to write. As simple as it seems, this is exactly where to start. These steps do not need to be done in this order. Often, they are all created simultaneously. Choose a topic. What do you want to write about? (I chose scientific adventures as my topic.) Determine the problem and solution. What happens, and what is done to remedy it? (Problem: Messy explosion in ...
Reconciling Your Monthly Expenses
Last week, we learned how to use our spreadsheet to build a savings account or rainy day fund. This week, we will use our spreadsheet to reconcile our monthly balance of the new checking account. Let's begin by labeling our tabs. I've labeled our current worksheet 'Projections' and then labeled a new worksheet 'Checking'. Open the Checking account tab and begin by building the headers. I started my labels in cell A1 and used the following labels: A1: Date B1: Transactions C1: Amount D1: Running Total I also made my row 1 Bold because I find it easier to read ...
Quick and Easy Oven Chicken Meal
As always, I'm not one to measure or be exact. I just throw a bunch of ingredients together and hope for the best. This one has turned out to be one of my favorite meals. It was extremely simple and turned out delicious! Added bonus: Minimal clean up! Ingredients Chicken Breasts Onion Tomatoes Potatoes Salt Pepper Parsley Oil Quick Steps: 1. Add your preference of oil to the bottom of your cookie sheet. 2. Dice the Onion, Potatoes, and Tomatoes and add to the cookie sheet 3. Half the chicken breasts and place on the cookie sheet. 4. Lightly coat the ingredients ...