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Low Carb Cloud Bread Recipe

After searching and searching and finding so many different recipes for cloud bread with a each recipe containing different ingredients, I found a quick and easy cloud bread recipe. I decided I would make this recipe for only one small loaf because I wanted to make sure I was going to like it and I conveniently had only one egg left in the house. Ingredients: 1 egg 1 and 1/3 Tbsp Protein Powder Dash of Salt Coconut Oil While the ingredients seem simple, this actually was a bit more work than I expected.  Use the coconut oil to grease the ...

DIY Upcycled Garage Shelving

After two years of saying I was going to put up some shelves, I've finally done it and am so happy with the results!  These shelves were in my master closet when I moved.  After trying a few things,  I couldn't find any functional use for them so I removed them.  You can see the wall the shelves came from in my post about patching the holes the shelves left behind. Since then, I've put a shoe rack in place of the shelves and I hung my  necklaces about eye level above the shoe rack. Before putting up the shelves, ...
Taco Dip

Easy Taco Dip

One of my favorite summer time snacks is this simple Taco dip that we made every summer when I was growing up. Here are the ingredients: 1 Pint of Sour Cream 1 Package of Taco Seasoning Shredded Lettuce Diced Tomatoes Shredded Cheddar cheese Tortilla Chips Simply mix the taco seasoning and the sour cream together then spread evenly along the bottom of a serving dish then add lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese.  Serve with your favorite style tortilla chip. #Sponsored Links ...

5 Step Blog Post

Creating a Blog Post can seem like a daunting task at times, especially during writer's block.  With my blog, I've told myself to only write when I'm in the mood to write that way I don't burn out.  Just because I'm in the mood to write though doesn't mean I have a great blog post idea.  So, I have five tips for creating a blog post. Decide a Blog Post Subject - When I'm wondering what to write about, I think about what I've done during the day.  Any organization/cleaning, cooking, projects, or anything outside of my daily norm.  If any ...

Flower Garden Upgrade

When I moved into my house, I removed a bush and created a small flower garden.  Since then, I've increased my curb appeal by giving my garden a complete makeover. This project was especially cool because of how much of my landscaping I was able to reuse. I moved the rocks into my back yard to create a rock and vegie garden (more to come on that later) and I moved the grass from the back yard into the front yard.  I used the backyard grass to add a layer to the front yard and to patch in the new ...


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